Sunday, February 5, 2012

After 20 Years


ear diary,
today is the anniversary of Sam’s death. It’s been twenty years since he has died. I can’t forget the day he kissed me. I can’t forget him and I won’t. (You too Mary Lou) I feel he is always with me, but I can’t see him and I can’t touch him, although I hear him sometimes. Every onion reminds me of him. I occasionally feel as if the door would open and he would come in, but it will never happen.

They took him from me, but they didn’t know what a mistake they made.

Then it was my turn. I must to take revenge. I took it from them, what they were slaves of. They loved their money so much, when they still had it.

When they went out, they thought of me and were afraid. They felt my breath on their neck even if I was far away. I robbed many people. I’m the most feared outlaw in the entire West.

Today I come to Green Lake. I know you don’t have a grave. I wanted to come just. All peach trees had died. Oh my sweet peaches... Anyway I admit onions were sweeter than peaches.

I buried my treasure in this dry area. (Sometimes I think that the word “dry” isn’t enough to describe it.) It’s a present for you, which isn’t enough worthy for you. After burying, I walked around. When I saw your boat, I burst into tears...

I’m tired now. I won’t rob anybody anymore. I will be there with you until my death. I love you.

[Category: Personal Connection]
[Words: 266]

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