Sunday, February 5, 2012



e is a member of a cursed family. He is overweight. He is the most stupid boy ever. (The last sentence was a joke. He isn’t such a failure.) In fact, he is a well-intentioned and naive kid from a poor family.
 “You thirsty?” asked Mr. Sir.
“Yes, Mr. Sir,” Stanley said gratefully.
“Well, you better get used to it. You’re going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months.” ” (p.17)
His name is Stanley Yelnats, which was spelled the same frontward and backward. (It’s amazing!J) He was accused of theft. Now he must to dig holes, which is very hard under the scorching sun, especially for the first few days.

He is glad other kids accepted him as a friend and called him Caveman. I guess there was no one to support him before coming to camp (e.g. a brother) and he was alone (no friends L), because he imagine boys in his tent beat up Derrick Dunne, who tried to steal his notebook.
One day Zero, who doesn’t like answering and is a math genius (but nobody knows it), dug Stanley’s hole, when Stanley wasn’t there. Then they become good friends and Stanley taught him to read and write, although he refused it before.
The author says:
“His muscles and hands weren’t the only parts of his body that had toughened over the past several weeks. His heart had hardened as well.” (p.69)
But I think he is still a good boy, but the condition of camp makes him aggressive. (At the end he doesn’t leave Zero alone.)

He wrote letters to his mother not to upset her. He wrote about his imaginary camp where he is happy and swims in a lake. Even when he walks with Zero in the desert thirsty and hungry, he thinks his mother and his father and imagines how they would behave, when they wouldn’t know what happened to him.

I like Stanley, because he endures everything even if he wasn’t responsible for it.
Anyway there is nothing he can do to change it, because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he was in the right place at the right time, but doesn’t know it.

[Category: Character Analysis]
[Words: 313+53 (Quotations)]

1 comment:

  1. Baran I realy liked your analysis, you did a good job by picking the important points about Stanley and I think it is a very well written text and it explains Stanley's behaviors.
